Struggle With Insecurity or Low Self Esteem. Body Language Tips That Improve Your Confidence (Secrets Exposed!) Here’s the Juicy Details
Struggle With Insecurity Or Low Self Esteem. Body Language Tips That Improve Your Confidence (Secrets Exposed)! Here’s the Juicy Details When you walk into a room the first thing people see is your body language. Your body language show how you feel about yourself in the current moment. If you apply these tips for the next 30 days. I promise you to notice a change within yourself. 1. Keep Your Head Up , Have Your Chest Out And Shoulder Back This shows that you are proud of yourself and comfortable about yourself. 2. Keep Your Hands On The Side It shows that show that comfortable about yourself and that you got nothing to hide from anyone. 3.Make Eye Contact Confident people make eye contact and hold it with that person. This allows you to be present with that person and connect with them. However, don't stare because people will view it as a threat. 4.Make Sure To Smile When you smile at someone, they tend to reciprocate that smile back. Which makes t...