Do You Struggle Starting A Conversation? Learn Here The Best Ways To Start Conversation With Anyone.

Do You Struggle Starting A Conversation? Learn Here The Best Ways To Start Conversation With Anyone.

Do you struggle starting conversation with people?  If you do I got some advice for you.

Simple Starters: 

These are the ones you hear every day. I would highly recommend starting with this if you struggle with social anxiety, shyness, or poor social skills. This will allow you to get your foot wet without overthinking what to say.

(Examples Of Simple Starters)

" Hello"


"Hello, How's your day?"


Opinion Openers:

 I would highly recommend starting with opinion openers. This is an easy way to start a conversation. People love to give their opinion about anything.

(Examples Of Opinion Openers)

 "How does that taste like?"

"Where is a good place to eat?"



Questions are plain and simple. Also, a basic way to start a conversation.

(Examples Of Questions)

"Where can I find nearest store?" 

"What would you recommend?" 


Observe Them and Label:

When you are walking down a street or spending time at an event. Take a few seconds and just observe the people around. Are they doing something or do they look a certain way? Look for something that catches your interest and tell them something about it.

(Examples Of Observe Them And Label)

" You seem happy today."

"I like your shoes."


 If you struggle with social anxiety or poor social skill and ready to receive guidance and support. Go to and book a free discovery call. If you got any questions make sure to comment below or send an email to .



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