
Showing posts from July, 2021

Ways To Over Your Fears

Ways To Overcome Your Fears Everybody around the world has their fears and some let those fears control them. So today I'm going to talk about some ways to overcome those fears. Focus In The Present Moment When you focus in present, it allow you to not worried about the future. Aim where you want to go but indifference to the outcome   When going after a goal but don't receive the result. You don't want to be attached to an outcome. Most of the time, things don't go your way. Taking Action When you take action, you make progress and focus on the present moment. When you make progress, you will feel a lot better. Expose yourself to the stuff your fear till you become indifference to it  Repetition is the mother of all skills. The more you do it, the more you get used to it. Remember  “It’s not things that upset us but our judgements about things.”- Epictetus  This is a good way to live by. Ask yourself these statement before and after the situation you fear:(Whats n...

Building Rapport: Law of Similarity

  Building Rapport: Law of Similarity   As Aristotle once said, "We like those who resemble us and are engaged in the same pursuits.". So, when starting an interaction. One of the fastest ways to build rapport with anyone is finding common ground. 💚If you struggle with social anxiety or poor social skill and ready to receive guidance and support. Go to Coaching | How To Improve Communication Skills |Social Skills | Project Euthenia and book a free discovery call. If you got any questions make sure to comment below or send an email to .💚

Building Rapport: Isopraxism

  Building Rapport: Isopraxism During an interaction try to mirror the other person's body language, tone, or speech rate to better connect with them. The reason is that we like people who are similar to us.   If you struggle with social anxiety or poor social skill and ready to receive guidance and support. Go to Coaching | How To Improve Communication Skills |Social Skills | Project Euthenia and book a free discovery call . If you got any questions make sure to comment below or send an email to .

During Or About To Start A Conversation; How To Tell If Someone Not interested In Talking With You?

  During Or About To Start A Conversation; How Do You Tell If Someone Not Interested In Talking With You? During or about to start a conversation, sometimes you wonder if someone wants to talk. So today we are going to talk about that very subject. So you don’t waste your time and find someone else to talk to. One Word Answers   Throughout the conversation, if they are just saying Okay, Yea, No, Wow, or other one-word answers. Also, listen to their tone of voice when they say it. Does it sound Bland? I recommend just meeting and talking to someone else. Not Giving You Eye Contact This shows just a lack of interest; they are insecure. You should just leave the conversation. Not Being Face To Face When someone   doesn't face you. It just shows a lack of interest; they are not comfortable with themselves. No Respond If you say "Hello" or something else and they say nothing. Don't take it personally and continue your day like nothing happen.  Not Putting Effort In Con...

How To Overcome The Fear Of Making Eye Contact?

 How To Overcome The Fear Of Making Eye Contact? Making eye contact with anyone is intimidating and uncomfortable.  So  don't stare  at them because they will  view you as a threat, challenge and that you are violating their personal space.  When you  make eye contact with someone, make sure to smile. If you struggle making eye contact here some tips: You can look sightly above their eyes. Also, you can look between their eyebrow or above their nose.      If you struggle with social anxiety or poor social skill and ready to receive guidance and support. Go to and book a free discovery call . If you got any questions make sure to comment below or send an email to .

Do You Struggle Starting A Conversation? Learn Here The Best Ways To Start Conversation With Anyone.

Do You Struggle Starting A Conversation? Learn Here The Best Ways To Start Conversation With Anyone. Do you struggle starting conversation with people?  If you do I got some advice for you. Simple Starters:  These are the ones you hear every day. I would highly recommend starting with this if you struggle with social anxiety, shyness, or poor social skills. This will allow you to get your foot wet without overthinking what to say. (Examples Of Simple Starters) " Hello" "Hi" "Hello, How's your day?"   Opinion Openers:  I would highly recommend starting with opinion openers. This is an easy way to start a conversation. People love to give their opinion about anything. (Examples Of Opinion Openers)   "How does that taste like?" "Where is a good place to eat?"   Questions: Questions are plain and simple. Also, a basic way to start a conversation. (Examples Of Questions) "Where can I find nearest store?"  "What would you r...

Everything You Need to Know About What Makes a Bad First Impression?

Everything You Need to Know About What Makes a Bad First Impression? You only have one time to leave a good first impression on someone. If you mess up your first impression. It would be a lot harder to build rapport with that person. So today, we are going to talk about behaviors you may be doing that could ruin the start of a great relationship. 1. Just Staring People will view you as a challenge and threat to them. Also, it makes people feel uncomfortable and that their personal space is being violated. So make sure to smile right after you make eye contact. 2.Not Smiling  When you don't smile at someone. It will make you less approachable and friendly to anyone who is around you. However, it shows that you are not interested in them and what they got to say about themselves.  3.Interrupting People During a conversation, if you interrupt someone, they will view you as rude and inconsiderate. Which will make it harder for you to build rapport with that person. 4.Talking Abo...

Why Doesn't Someone Make Eye Contact?

Why Doesn't Someone Make Eye Contact?  Have you ever notice during a conversation or just walking by. Some people don't make eye contact with you. Even though you are looking at them, they pretend you don't exist. 👉The reason is that making eye contact with someone is uncomfortable and threatening. However, this signal that the person is not interested in you, shy, or insecure. If you struggle with social anxiety or poor social skill and ready to receive guidance and support. Go to Coaching | How To Improve Communication Skills |Social Skills | Project Euthenia and book a free discovery call . If you got any questions make sure to comment below or send an email to .

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Body Language That Make You Less Approachable And Friendly

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Body Language That Make You Less Approachable And Friendly Have you ever wonder why some people don't get approach; while others don't. Today we are going to talk about body language that makes you unapproachable. 1. Having A Mask   When you wear a mask people will perceive you as a threat and challenge. Even though that not purpose of a mask. It makes it harder for people to recognize your facial expression. 2. Not Smiling When you make eye contact and don't smile. Many people will perceive you as a threat and that you are challenging them. Sometimes, people will give nasty looks for not smiling when making eye contact   3. Making Uncomfortable Amount Of Eye Contact  When you are making eye contact with someone, it creates tension between you that person. If you don't smile when making eye contact. People will feel threaten and uncomfortable by you. 4. Close Off Body Language When you have a closed-off body language like cros...